Saturday, May 15, 2010

Advanced Coin & Treasure Hunting Tips With a Metal Detector

Coin, relic and treasure hunting at the beach, in the park, in a field, or around an old homestead can be one of the most
rewarding forms of metal detecting.Throughout the world there are metal objects that have been buried for centuries.
Treasure hunters around the world consistently unearth relics from the past such as old buttons, badges, belt-buckles, US
civil war memorabilia, and Roman artifacts.
These can be extremely valuable items, some worth many thousands of dollars.
Decimal, pre-decimal and Roman coins are found scattered throughout Europe, Spanish Doubloons and pieces of Eight are
often found on the beaches of the USA.
Where to Hunt
You must hunt in well patronized areas such as beaches,parks, showgrounds or picnic areas, Carnivals, old abandoned houses, hiking trails:  these are just some of the spots that could hold some interesting finds.  Your own backyard may even
yield valuable treasure. Consider the age of your home and who may have lived there in the past.
  Browsing old maps or talking to people at the local historical society could also lead you to little-known areas of interest.

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