Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another wheat penny in the park

Went back to the city park and found my 4th wheat penny - 1944 and some clad.  I was using the Delta - no cell phone today and I could get the sensitivity to around 7 or 8.  Still had some interference but was able to get some hits - I forgot my headphones so it made it a little harder to locate.  There has to be some silver there somewhere - just need to find it.  The haul was 1-q, 2-d and four pennies.

                                2010 coin count
                               2 -  53,59-d washington
                               4 - 1923,39-d,41,44 merc
                               2 - 1964,64d Rosie
                                    N -220
                               1 - V nickel - 1899
                               1 - buffalo - 1924   
                                    P - 934                            
                               1 - Indian head - 1864
                               54 - wheats  - 1910,15,20,24,27,34,37(2),38(2),39(2),41-d,42(2),44(9),45(3),46(2),47,48,49(3),50,51(3),51s,52(2),52-d,53,53-d(2),54,55,56d,(5),57,57-d,58,58-d
                               3 - Dol
                               1 - Half
                               6 - Foreign 
                                    2267 coins
                                $207.09 total
                                10 - silver rings
                              29 - total rings

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