Saturday, September 4, 2010

Still hunting - not finding much

I've still been going out at lunch time and not much else - been really hot here - haven't been finding a lot. My take was 5-q, 3-d, 1-n and 3 pennies for a whopping total of a buck 63.  With the start of school next week and my schedule change I can hit the parks again in the morning.  I hope that some of the tot lots have filled back up with some goodies.

                               2010 coin count
                               2 -  53,59-d washington
                               4 - 1923,39-d,41,44 merc
                               2 - 1964,64d Rosie
                                    N -206
                               1 - V nickel - 1899
                               1 - buffalo - 1924   
                                    P - 805                            
                               1 - Indian head - 1864
                               40 - wheats  - 1910,15,34,37(2),38(2),39,41-d,42,44(8),45(3),46(2),48,49(2),50,52,52-d,53,53-d(2),55,56d,(2),57,57-d,58,58-d
                               2 - Dol
                               1 - Half
                               5 - Foreign 
                                    1949 coins
                                $175.38 total
                                9 - silver rings
                              27 - total rings

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